Hi Guys

After some more trial and error and research I have got the image to store
properly and write back out a valid image using BufferedImage and ImageIO.
However I am still not able to display the image. I just get the picture
symbol and he link looks like <img alt=""

The code used is as follows:

BufferedDynamicImageResource bufferedDynamicImageResource = new
Image proImage = new Image("profileImage", bufferedDynamicImageResource);

Where image is a BufferedImage. The file command outputs the following.

I am running Wildfly 8.1.0. Any suggestions .



On 7 July 2014 21:18, David Beer <david.m.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All
> I am developing and application that is running on openshift. The
> application is still in heavy development, using wicket 6.14 at the moment.
> I am running Wildlfy 8.1.0 and testing locally.
> The problem I am facing is simply that the images that I am storing are
> not being displayed on Openshift but work fine locally. I am retrieving the
> image as a byte[] from the database and then displaying the Image.
> I have tried using a simple ByteArray Resource like the following:
> ThumbnailImageResource imageResource = new ThumbnailImageResource(new
> ByteArrayResource("image/jpeg", userAccount.getProfileimage().getFile()),
> 150);
>             Image profileImage = new Image("profileImage", imageResource);
>             add(profileImage);
> However on Openshift the image does not display. There is no error logged
> just no image and the resource link does not seem to work either.
> Any thoughts would be most helpful.
> Thanks
> David

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