Hi Satish,

The problem here is that your quickstart uses the same page for page expired error and error 404.

PageExpired.STATUS_CODE is 404.

Your web.xml sets the 404 error page to /404, and you mount the PageExpired page as /404. You also set the PageExpiredErrorPage to PageExpired.

When your session expires, the decryption key is no longer available in the session, so the URL cannot be decrypted. This is because you are using KeyInSessionSunJceCryptFactory, which stores a new unique random decryption key in each session. When the session expires, a new session is created which in turn gets a new random decryption key. The new session's get cannot decrypt the encrypted URL which was encrypted with the old, expired session's key.

Because the URL cannot be decrypted, no IRequestMapper can map the URL to a IRequestHandler, and a 404 error results. So, you are not actually getting a page expired error, you are getting a 404 error. It looks the same to you because you are using the same page to display both errors.

The reason the home page links do not cause a 404 error is because the URL is not encrypted on the home page, at least not in this quickstart. (I know, I'll get back to you about the other issue you have). Because there is no encryption on the home page link, the link remains usable to wicket after the session has expired.

Wicket can see that you are trying to execute a callback link on the home page, because the URL is /?1-1.ILinkListener...., but because the session has expired, page id 1 is no longer retrievable from the page store. However, because of the URL, wicket can tell that this was something to do with the home page, and just recreates a new instance of the home page and displays that to you.

You can control this behavior by calling getPageSettings().setRecreateMountedPagesAfterExpiry(false);


On 17/09/2014 17:23, sgu...@osc.state.ny.us wrote:

I am having a problem in dealing with Session expiry specifically when you click on a link in home page after session expiry.

The out come is you remain on home page, you are neither navigated to the link you clicked nor redirected to PageExpired page which is configured in

_org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication#_init() _method_ _as_ _follows_

        mountPage("/"+ PageExpired.STATUS_CODE, PageExpired.*class*);

With that said, the behavior is different when links on other pages (link in First Navigation page from quick start)
are clicked on session expiry, you actually hit PageExpired page.

Why is the behavior different for home page links compared to links on other pages when it comes to session expiry ?

I am attaching a quick start to support my explanation above.
Quick Start Application flow:
i. Hit root url http://localhost:8080 <http://localhost:8080/>, you will navigate to home page with a link to First Navigation page.
ii. In First Navigation Page we have a link to Second Navigation Page.
iii. In Second Navigation Page we have a link back to home page.

/Thanks & Regards/
/Satish Gutta/

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