
Wicket Bootstrap 0.9.6 has been released and soon will be available at
Maven Central.

We've added some new components:
- Ladda buttons - http://msurguy.github.io/ladda-bootstrap/
- X-Editable behavior - http://vitalets.github.io/x-editable/
- Twitter Typeahead v 0.10 - https://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/

The Git short log is:

Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov:
      Install LessResourceReferenceFactory with BootstrapLess.install(app)
      Simplify BootstrapRadioChoice.
      [file-input] Issue #424 - Make it possible to pass the config to the
constructor of BootstrapFileInput
      Use the result variable to decide whether to use CDN resources for
      [xeditable] Issue #427 - By default do not send Ajax call for the
hidden event.
      [xeditable] Issue #427 - remove the save/hidden ajax behaviors when
the x-editable-behavior is unbind from its component
      [xeditable] Improve the javadoc of XEditableOptions
      [font awesome] Upgrade Font Awesome to 4.2.0
      [tour] Upgrade to 0.9.3
      [xeditable] Null-ify the ajax behaviors in unbind() to make them
eligible for GC
      [tour demo] Show Info alert when the tour is already taken
      Simplify component settings - do not wrap them in IModel when no
      [ladda] Add LaddaAjaxLink and LaddaAjaxButton (intergration with
      [ladda] Add javadoc and clear the data in complete()
      [ladda] Use Bootstrap's Button size rather than Ladda's
      [ladda] Javadocs and cleanup
      [ladda] Code formatting
      [ladda] code formatting
      Upgrade Less4j to 1.8.1 that uses ANTLR 3.5.2
      Upgrade to Wicket 6.17.0
      [ladda] Issue #432 - Use webjars for spin.js
      [ladda] remove local copies of spin.js (we use it thru webjars now)
      Upgrade Less4j to 1.8.2
      Set the role of Navbar to "navigation" instead of "banner"
      Use <wicket:container> instead of <wicket:panel> for the markup of a
component that should render its body only
      Remove CSS class 'navbar-ex1-collapse' - there is no such CSS class
in any .css file
      remove CSS class 'bs-navbar-collapse'.
      Add a TODO for review by miha
      [navbar] Make it possible to remove the class="container" around the
Navbar's contents
      navbar[] Configure the brandLabel and brandImage components before
deciding whether the brandLink should be visible or not.
      [navbar] Use #onConfigure() to set the visibility of the brand's
label and image
      [navbar] Issue #438 - Add a RepeatingView for extra items in the
navigation bar which should not be in the <ul>s
      Update Bootswatch themes. Add Paper and Sandstone themes
      [navbar] Issue #439 - Remove the new container flag and use the old
'fluid'. It seems it has been broken since a while
      [navbar] Fix broken test - NavbarTest
      Use https://github.com/twbs/bootlint to improve the usage of
Bootstrap in the components and samples
      Move bootlint to -core module so it can be used by application
developers too
      Use OpenJDK 6 for building at Travis
      Make it possible to build with JDK 6
      Fix the problems on the home page:
      cat the contents of surefire report for a failing test
      Cat the surefire XML report too
      Update README (test the build)
      Travis-CI builds fail with BootstrapSettings.Holder cannot be
initialized error
      Fix all lint errors in BaseCssPage.html
      [navbar] Remove CSS class 'navbar-ex1-collapse' - there is no such
CSS class in any .css file
      [navbar] remove CSS class 'bs-navbar-collapse'.
      [navbar] Add a TODO for review by miha
      [navbar] Make it possible to remove the class="container" around the
Navbar's contents
      [navbar] Configure the brandLabel and brandImage components before
deciding whether the brandLink should be visible or not.
      [navbar] Use #onConfigure() to set the visibility of the brand's
label and image
      [navbar] Issue #438 - Add a RepeatingView for extra items in the
navigation bar which should not be in the <ul>s
      [navbar] Issue #439 - Remove the new container flag and use the old
'fluid'. It seems it has been broken since a while
      Fix BootLint warnings in Button components and Components sample
      Fix BootLint problems in all samples pages
      [modal] Use AjaxRequestTarget#prependJavaScript() when hiding the
modal to do it as early as possible.
      Remove a TODO. The use case is that the Link can have children, e.g.
a Label

Michael Haitz:
      Update README.md
      update wicket-jquery-selector version.
      [datetextfield] proposed solution for issue #414
      [datetextfield] add test cases (issue #414)
      add test for duplicated updateModel call
      upgrade wicket-jquery-selector to 0.1.2
      use latest wicket-jquery-selectors version

Robert Gruendler:
      [typeahead 0.10] added support for typeahead.js >= 0.10.0
      [typeahead 0.10] added support for bloodhound with local datasource
      [typeahead 0.10] updated sample config to typeahead v0.10.4
      [typeahead 0.10] refactored 0.9.3 typeaheadjs reference to use local
js reference
      [typeahead 0.10] made config generic
      [typeahead 0.10] cleanup sample page imports

Christian Schröter:
      [xeditable] Add x-editable as dependency
      [xeditable] Introducing X-editable for Bootstrap3
      [xeditable] Created a very simple showcase for x-editable
      [xeditable] Revert package import
      [xeditable] Use current version
      [xeditable] Add @author

David Beer:
      [file-input] Added more default options for file-input to be

James Gilbertson:
      [tooltip] Deatach the labelResolved model in

Robin Müller:
      FormGroup should not implement IFormModelUpdateListener

      add Darkly theme

subes (1):
      fix trailing comma closure compiler error


core maven dependency:


for all extensions:


for all themes:


if you want to use a less compiler:


all samples can be used with this dependency:


Wicket Bootstrap team!

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