On 30/10/14 21:08, Nick Pratt wrote:
Wicket 6.17.0

I have a RadioChoice (in a Form) that has an attached

The onUpdate() method of the Behavior fires an event for other components
on the page to update (change visibility depending on user selection in
radio choice).

Im trying to unit test it using:

formTester.selectRadioChoice( "propertyType", 2 );
I guess that's a typo :) or are you using a custom formTester?

and then I'm trying to trigger the behavior to fire so that I can
check that the various components are visible/invisible:

Component component = baseTester.getComponentFromLastRenderedPage(
"form:propertyType" );
for ( Behavior b : component.getBehaviors() )
    if ( b instanceof AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior )
       baseTester.executeBehavior( (AbstractAjaxBehavior) b );

However, I'm running in to this when the behavior is executed:

Behavior rejected interface invocation.

Is it possible to unit test this specific behavior, and am I going
about this the right way?

I've verified that the application works as expected in a browser.
BTW, multiple-choice component should use AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior instead of AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior.

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