
It works well here with JBoss 8 (WildFly 8.1).

On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 1:22 PM, Gonzalo Aguilar Delgado <
gagui...@aguilardelgado.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We built an application that depends on JQuery because we show graphs with
> morris and raphael. And we discovered that
> @Override
>     public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
>         super.renderHead(response);
>         response.render(JavaScriptHeaderItem
>                 .forReference(JQueryResourceReference.get()));
>     }
> is working well on tomcat but when deployed on jboss it fails. The
> references that went to wicket are not rendering. The ones we have in our
> own packages are working.
> We can see some:
> 12:17:42,844 WARN [org.apache.wicket.resource.bundles.ConcatBundleResource]
> (http-localhost- Bundled resource: Unable to find
> resource (status=404)
> 12:17:42,845 WARN [org.apache.wicket.resource.bundles.ConcatBundleResource]
> (http-localhost- Bundled resource: Unable to find
> resource (status=404)
> Maybe has something to do , maybe not but the fact is that it works with
> tomcat 6 and not with jboss 7.
> Any help will be appreciated. Should I open a bug? Can someone confirm
> this, please?

You mean a bug at JBoss JIRA, I guess ?
JBoss uses "modules" (an abstraction over a jar) and virtual file system
(an abstraction over classpath?!), so many weird things could happen there.

Wicket uses Class#getResourceAsStream("someName.js") to load a file from
the classpath. Pretty standard.

> Best regards,

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