Hi Chris,

I think it might be a version issue. wicket-jquery-ui is still based on
1.11.2 (seems I've missed 1.11.3 in February btw, strange)

If you are using a standard theme, maybe you don't have to download/use
jquery* file, you can just use a theme dependency, so the css file will be
rendered for you, matching the version of the underlying jquery-ui.js.

If you do not want to use a theme dependency, you need to get the theme
corresponding to the version on the jquery-ui site (somewhere in archive,
iirc). Or, if you want to use your own css/js version, please read this:

In no case add jquery-ui.js by yourself (except through
JQueryUILibrarySettings) and please double check if jquery-ui.css & co are
well included and rendered (no 404) in your page.

Hope this helps,

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