
I have two AjaxLinks inside a panel which is inside an IColumn of a
DataTable. The table is refreshed by a TextField which implements an
OnChangeAjaxBehavior. This behaviour manipulates the data provider and adds
the table to the target.

When text is entered to the text field the table is filtered as expected.
But the response body of the Ajax post request delivers event registrations
of the AjaxLinks rendered in the iteration before.

E.g.: IBehaviourlisteners for AjaxLink IDs id54 and id55 are delivered. But
the links have the IDs id56 and id57.


    <a id="id56" href="javascript:;">Edit</a>
    <a id="id57" href="javascript:;">Delete</a>


If I unfocus the text field I get a response with the correct event


Has anyone seen similar problems? Is it possible enforce an event
registration refresh for AjaxLinks?

Just ask for code examples if needed.


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