(Is this the right place for this question? Should I raise an issue on
WicketStuff instead?)

Curious to see if anyone is doing this and what your level of success is?

I ask because we have a Wicket/GAE app that we recently moved up to Wicket
6 and we're experiencing a lot of spontaneous problems that are kinda hard
to explain and hard to reproduce.

1. Clicking a simple link (sometimes) returns to the same page, rather than
following the link with a very basic implementation such as:
    Link.onClick(): setResponsePage(((BaseApplication)
When this happens, it happens consistently (i.e. I click the same link and
the same thing happens), but if I reopen the browser, login and try again,
it works fine.
2. Changes applied to the Model<> objects in an AjaxButton.onSubmit()
method have been lost when the page form is submitted.
3. Clicking a form submit button (which was enabled in an
AjaxEventBehavior("onKeyUp").onEvent() method) complains it is not enabled
when it is clicked. It was visually disabled when the page loaded and was
visually enabled with the right things triggered the Ajax behavior
referenced above.

All of these functions in the app that broke have been working for years.

We are using Google AppEngine Initializer from WicketStuff (6.19 with
Wicket 6.19).
I noticed the docs for GAE Initializer now say "Just put
wicketstuff-gae-initializer.jar in the classpath and Wicket will use it

I feel like that wasn't the process back when we started using it - we have
some classes that override Wicket operations with WicketStuff GAE classes -
could this be the problem? As an example, we have a GaeWicketApplication
class that extends Application and implements GaeApplication to do things
like change the RuntimeConfigurationType, override the eviction strategy
and return a different IExceptionMapper provider. Should I back out some of
those behaviors to see if the GAE Initializer will handle it all without
any special code?


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