From your description of the problem, it doesn’t really seem like you need a 
renderer — perhaps abstracting out the search criterion as a pure java 
(non-wicket-specific) object that can be used both in the UI and in data export 
would be a better approach.

That said, here’s what I’m doing to render pages (batch emails) in a background 
public static void sendMail(EmailBatch batch) {
    Application app = ThreadContext.getApplication();
    RequestCycle requestCycle = ThreadContext.getRequestCycle();
    Session session = ThreadContext.getSession();

    Runnable r = () -> {
<blah blah blah>
PageProvider(EmailMergeProcessor.class, pp)

There are some restrictions on what the pages can contain (for example, I had 
to disable bootstrap), but eventually I got the above to work.  Your mileage 
may vary.  Good luck.


> On May 29, 2015, at 1:49 AM, Peter Henderson <> 
> wrote:
> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Christoph Läubrich < 
> <>>
> wrote:
>> Can you explain what is the reason for using a background-thread?
>> Depending on your container you might want to use e.g. Continuations or
>> Servlet-Async to compute lengthy values in the background and then let
>> render the page as normal in the RequestCycle depending on that result.
> In my real application the background thread is a data export routine. I
> want to run a list panel with saved page parameters and instead of
> rendering the html I'll access the underlying list model to extract the
> data, export to csv (or json,etc) and pass it out for other processing.
> This way the user can fiddle about with the search filters on the list to
> see exactly what they want and later get the raw data (accountants love
> spreadsheets).
> For example.
> This page [1] I'd like to have a plain servlet which can run the component
> outside of wicket.
> Peter.
> [1]
> <>
>> Am 28.05.2015 11:51, schrieb Peter Henderson:
>>> Hi
>>> I am trying to render a component in a background thread.
>>> My first attempt fails with an Exception
>>> "There is no application attached to current thread Thread-4"
>>> So I link the application with the background thread and now a different
>>> exception.
>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument 'requestCycle' may not be
>>> null.
>>>     at org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Args.notNull(
>>>     at
>>> org.apache.wicket.Application.fetchCreateAndSetSession(
>>>     at org.apache.wicket.Session.get(
>>> Is component renderer designed to work from a background thread?
>>> I've put a quick start on git hub.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> -- 
> Peter Henderson
> Director
> Starjar Ltd.
> <>
> 0330 088 1662

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