
Wicket includes the session's style when generating the cache key*. Why don't you use this to identify your current 'theme'? Then theme-specific string resources should work out-of-the-box.

Have fun

*See Localizer#getCacheKey()

On 18.06.2015 16:39, Tobias Gierke wrote:

I'm working on a 'themeable' (does this word exist ?) application were some string resources differ based on the currently active user's theme. Since (at least during development) each user can freely switch between different themes, I need Wicket to not cache these string resources.

I implemented a custom IStringResourceLoader to locate the .properties file associated with the current user's UI theme but it seems Wicket is caching the String property values and only calls my IStringResourceLoader once for every String property.

How can I disable this caching for my IStringResourceLoader ? I suspect Wicket thinks of .properties files as static resources so maybe I'm stretching the design a bit ;)


Currently my WicketApplication class looks like this:

getResourceSettings().getStringResourceLoaders().add( new UIThemeStringResourceLoader() );

...and the the IStringResourceLoader looks like this

protected final class UIThemeStringResourceLoader implements IStringResourceLoader
// cache to avoid reloading properties over and over when not in debug mode private final Map<String,CacheEntry> properties = new HashMap<>(); // Key is UI theme name, value is properties file

public String loadStringResource(Class<?> clazz, String key, Locale locale, String style, String variation)
return loadStringResource( (Component) null , key , locale ,style , variation );

public String loadStringResource(Component component, String key, Locale locale, String style, String variation)
            synchronized( properties )
CacheEntry props = properties.get( getUITheme().getName() ); if ( props == null || ( isDebugModeEnabled() && props.isOlderThan( java.time.Duration.ofSeconds( 2 ) ) ) ) // discard stale properties when running in debug mode
final UserSession session = (UserSession) Session.get(); final Locale locale = session.isUserLoggedIn() ? session.getCurrentUser().getLocale() : applicationSettings.getDefaultLocale(); final String path = getUITheme().getStringPropertiesPath( locale );

try ( final InputStream stream = getServletContext().getResourceAsStream( path ) )
                        if ( stream == null ) {
                            return null;

                        final Properties tmp = new Properties();
                        tmp.load( stream );

                        props = new CacheEntry( tmp );
                        properties.put( getUITheme().getName() , props );
                    catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("getString(): Failed to load string properties for UI theme '"+getUITheme().getName()+"' from '"+path+"'",e);
                return props.properties.getProperty( key );

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