Hi Francois,

A miracle happened after adding <head> & <body> HTML elements to
PageWithForm.html ;-)
Without <head> Wicket logs an ERROR.

About Integer.MAX_VALUE - a breakpoint
at org.apache.wicket.bean.validation.SizeTagModifier#modify shows that this
method is called twice per property. Once with annotation.max() returning
MAX_VALUE and second time with the set value(50). Maybe there is a bug at
or org.apache.wicket.bean.validation.ConstraintIterator#ConstraintIterator.


Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 11:00 AM, Francois Meillet <
francois.meil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a very strange problem !!!
> A form is created using a model object containing validation annotation
> constraints.
> The model object contains 3 properties (aaaaa, firstName, lastName) with
> annotations like this
> @Size.List({
> @Size(min=2, message = "{xxx.sizeToSmall}"),
> @Size(max=50, message = "{xxx.sizeToBig}")
> })
> xxx.sizeToSmall and xxx.sizeToBig key/value are present in the
> WicketApplication.utf8.properties file
> When the form is rendered, the maxlength value may be wrong.
> Actually the maxlength value is only wrong with the property 'firstName'
> with the following html
> <input wicket:id="firstName" id="firstName" type="text"  />
> <input wicket:id="firstName" id="firstName" type="text" maxlength="50" />
> but with
> <input wicket:id="firstName" id="firstName" type="text" MAXLENGTH="50" />
> the value will be ok
> This only happens with this 'firstName' property !!!
> Environment:
> -----------
> Wicket 7.0.0
> validation implementation : hibernate-validator
> OSX & jdk 1.8
> here is the quickstart
> Thanks for yours suggestions
> François

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