Hi Martin,

Yes but the 42Lines library did contain ValidationForm which allowed 
validation of class level constraints. This component is missing in the 
merged library.
If it has been removed for some reason, is there another way to do class 
level validation?

Eugen Berenstein



42Lines Bean Validation has been merged to Wicket since 6.x

The code is at https://github.com/apache/wicket/tree/master/wicket-bean-

Examples: http://examples7x.wicket.apache.org/bean-validation/


> On Nov 27 2015, at 1:16 pm, Eugen Berenstein
<eugen.berenst...@laekh.de> wrote: 


> Hi, 
I need to apply cross field constraints to an object with JSR-303. As I 
understand class level constraints are the correct tool for this. 
Is there a way in Wicket 7 or 8 to apply these on a Form's model object?


> I have tried the 42lines:wicket-bean-validation library but the release 
1.1 seems to be incompatible this Wicket 7. I also have overwritten 
and added the validation there which does work but seems insufficient to 


> Thank You, Eugen Berenstein

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