Hi Ephraim,

The jQuery UI timespinner is not just matter of configuration, is a new
widget extending from the spinner; that's why it's not straightforward to
make it work.
I think it make sense to add it to the library, so please fill an issue:

I am already working on it, so it can be quick...

Thanks & best regards,

On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 12:31 PM, Ephraim Rosenfeld <erosenf...@knoa.com>

> Hello Wicket Team:
> I would like to use the Wicket jQuery UI "Spinner" widget, as shown here:
> http://www.7thweb.net/wicket-jquery-ui/spinner/DefaultSpinnerPage?0, for
> a time field, like this example:
> https://jqueryui.com/resources/demos/spinner/time.html. This example adds
> some additional jQuery Widget Factory code to override the default
> functionality to format a date into a time field, e.g. '11:47 AM', and
> likewise, to parse new input back into a date.
> Is this possible to do via Wicket? Adding the additional jQuery Widget
> Factory code in the example above did not seem to do the trick.
> I was thinking of using Ajax to update the component on the "onspin"
> event, which gets fired when one of the spinner arrow buttons are pressed;
> however, I have no indication as to whether the value should be incremented
> or decremented. Capturing the event on the "onspinstop" event is sort of
> too late, because at this point, the widget already gets populated with the
> integer value as determined by the arrow buttons.
> The jQuery UI documentation here (
> http://api.jqueryui.com/spinner/#event-spin<
> http://api.jqueryui.com/spinner/%23event-spin>) states that the input can
> be obtained on the "onspin" event using the "ui.value" property, and this
> can be used to determine whether the value in the field is to be
> incremented/decremented. Is this property exposed on the Java layer via
> Wicket?
> I am using Wicket version 6.15.
> Thank you in advance,
> - Ephraim

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