
By using the simple example of repeater, it is easy to create a HTML table of 

Example 1


In my case, the data are not contacts but a list of tasks. So I would like to 
have :

<.. colspan = 2 ...>Liste of tasks of January 2016</td></tr>                    
     => The line is "single Cell"

<tr><td>1/01/2016 </td><td>Say happy nuew year to every body</td></tr>  => line 
is 2 cells

<tr><td>2/01/2016 </td><td>begin to learn Wikclet</td></tr>

<.. colspan = 2 ...>Liste of tasks of February 2016</td></tr>                   
      => The line is "single Cell"

<tr><td>14/04/2016 </td><td>Don't forget Valentin day</td></tr>  => line is 2 

In the example, we see how to modify the tr element by adding a parmater class: 
odd or even.

Here the question is : How to modify the tr element, but also a part of td 
element that must disappear.

Example 2 (a varaint of Example 1)


In the contact list, there is phone number and cell number.

If the phone number or the cell number. is empty, concatenate the cells into a 
single one.

This mean that the HTML code must be :

<tr> ... <td colspan=2>The unique number</td> ... </tr>. A <td></td> block must 
be missing.

Thanks for pointer,


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