
I would like to create a component.java that is associated to a HTML markup 
file component.html, but a part of the markup file must be dynamic.

A standard form is associated to a HTML markup file like:
<form ...>
<input wicket:id="Field1" id="Field1" type="text" size="40"/>
<input wicket:id="Field1" id="Field2" type="text" size="40"/>
<input wicket:id="Field1" id="Field10" type="text" size="40"/>
But, I would like to group the input fields with other information, therefore I 
create panels. So my form is now associated to a HTML markup file like:

<form ...>
<span wicket:id="panel_01">panel contents come here - The panel includes <input 
wicket:id="Field1" id="Field1" type="text" size="40"/> </span>
<span wicket:id="panel_02">panel contents come here - The panel includes <input 
wicket:id="Field2" id="Fiel2" type="text" size="40"/> </span>
<span wicket:id="panel_10">panel contents come here - The panel includes <input 
wicket:id="Field10" id="Fiel10" type="text" size="40"/> </span>
How to do that?
Create GenericPanel.java and Panel1.java that extends GenericPanel.java. 
Panel1.java is associated to the HTML markup file Panel1.html:
... <input wicket:id="Field1" id="Fiel1" type="text" size="40"/>

And do again for iI = 2 to 10. This will probably work, but it is complex. The 
idea is to create a repeater:
<wicket:panel xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org";>
   <tr class="headers">
       <wicket:container wicket:id="headers">
           <span wicket:id="panel_i">panel contents come here -
             The panel includes  <input wicket:id="Field_i" id="Field_i" 
type="text" size="40"/>

So the question is how to do the association between GenericPanel.java[i] and 
GenericPanel.htlm[i] that must contain <input wicket:id="Field_i" id="Field_i" 
type="text" size="40"/> ?

As far as I understand the wicket mechanism, the HTML markup file is a constant 
file that describes the HTML code of the component.
Is it possible in wicket 6? Wicket 7?


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