Great!!! :-)

kind regards


> Am 07.05.2016 um 15:00 schrieb Martijn Dashorst <>:
> The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 7.3.0!
> Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application
> framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for
> governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and more.
> You can find more about Apache Wicket at
> This release marks another minor release of Wicket 7. We use semantic
> versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no API breaks are 
> present
> breaks are present in this release compared to 7.0.0.
> New and noteworthy
> ==================
> Wicket Metrics added
> --------------------
> A new experimental module for integrating with DropWizard’s Metrics [1] 
> project
> was created. Metrics provides a powerful toolkit of ways to measure the
> behavior of critical components in your production environment. Using the
> Metrics integration requires the use of AspectJ (which is licensed under the
> Eclipse Public License 1.0)
> You can read more about using the Metrics integration in our user guide’s
> monitoring chapter [2].
> jQuery upgrade
> --------------
> Wicket ships standard with it’s own jQuery. With this release jQuery was
> upgraded to 1.12.3/2.2.3.
> Using this release
> ==================
> With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
> update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):
> <dependency>
>    <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>    <artifactId>wicket-core</artifactId>
>    <version>7.3.0</version>
> </dependency>
> Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
> convenience binary package
> * Source:
> * Binary:
> Upgrading from earlier versions
> -------------------------------
> If you upgrade from 7.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
> you come from a version prior to 7.0.0, please read our Wicket 7
> migration guide found at
> *
> Have fun!
> — The Wicket team
> ========================================================================
> The signatures for the source release artefacts:
> Signature for
> Comment: GPGTools -
> iEYEABECAAYFAlcd4ngACgkQJBX8W/xy/UVP8ACgkHvmhm3RZ006jUfyW7o0DyUk
> gloAmgJ6YSA/owx3VLldI7LC/5DoZwQr
> =8TQC
> Signature for apache-wicket-7.3.0.tar.gz:
> Comment: GPGTools -
> iEYEABECAAYFAlcd4ngACgkQJBX8W/xy/UXmDgCcCW9n15hdrKVKpona4SwaRtrM
> ZJcAnREA/PnxMckF2HWqgeunp+siydFJ
> =tRv/
> ========================================================================
> CHANGELOG for 7.3.0:
> ** Bug
> * [WICKET-6069] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior does not work if the url contains a 
> request parameter with same name as wicket id
> * [WICKET-6078] - Problem with queued components and auto linking
> * [WICKET-6079] - Problem with queued components and label
> * [WICKET-6080] - Encapsulation of 3 enclosures leads to 
> WicketRuntimeException
> * [WICKET-6084] - ajax request failure handler receives incorrect arguments
> * [WICKET-6085] - AjaxTimerBehavior with failure handler cause memory leak in 
> browser
> * [WICKET-6087] - Invalid AbstractRequestWrapperFactory.needsWrapper method 
> scope: package - cannot create a custom implementation
> * [WICKET-6088] - Problem with queued components and setting the model
> * [WICKET-6091] - NPE in RequestLoggerRequestCycleListener when using 
> native-websockets
> * [WICKET-6093] - MarkupException due to ID collision in 
> RelativePathPrefixHandler
> * [WICKET-6094] - Find adequate ResourceReference with mount parameters
> * [WICKET-6097] - JsonRequestLogger --> JsonMappingException --> 
> StackOverflowError Infinite recursion
> * [WICKET-6102] - StackoverflowError related to enclosures
> * [WICKET-6108] - Closing a ModalWindow with jQuery 2.2.0 produces javascript 
> errors
> * [WICKET-6109] - Enclosure - "IllegalArgumentException: Argument 'markup' 
> may not be null" after app restart
> * [WICKET-6111] - Empty redirect on redirect to home page if home page 
> already shown
> * [WICKET-6116] - Exception 'A child already exists' when backing to a page 
> with some markups in a Border
> * [WICKET-6131] - IndexOutOfBoundsException in 
> org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl
> * [WICKET-6133] - Failing test SpringBeanWithGenericsTest in SNAPSHOT
> * [WICKET-6134] - NPE when using ListView with missing markup
> * [WICKET-6135] - There is no good way to get POST body content
> * [WICKET-6139] - AjaxButton forces rendering type="button"
> * [WICKET-6141] - Runtime Exception rendering ComponentTag with 
> RelativePathPrefixHandler
> * [WICKET-6151] - DebugBar/PageSizeDebugPanel throws NullPointerException 
> (need wrapper exception with more detail)
> ** Improvement
> * [WICKET-6053] - Allow to reuse the same application instance in several 
> tests
> * [WICKET-6081] - Add "assertNotRequired" to the WicketTester
> * [WICKET-6098] - Add logging to HttpSessionDataStore
> * [WICKET-6100] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12.3/2.2.3
> * [WICKET-6103] - Synchronization on JSR 356 connection
> * [WICKET-6106] - Propagate JSR 356 WebSocket connection error to a page
> * [WICKET-6107] - Broadcast onClose event regardless of the JSR 356 WebSocket 
> connection closed state
> * [WICKET-6110] - Add a message to StalePageException for better debugging
> * [WICKET-6122] - Add .map to the list of allowed file extensions in 
> SecurePackageResourceGuard
> * [WICKET-6123] - Remove 'abstract' from ChainingModel
> * [WICKET-6127] - Add metrics for request duration
> * [WICKET-6128] - Add metrics for currently active sessions
> * [WICKET-6130] - Make it easier to override parts of SystemMapper
> * [WICKET-6144] - Wicket-ajax parameter / header may be used to bypass proper 
> exception handling
> * [WICKET-6145] - Enable DeltaManager to replicate PageTable in Sessions
> * [WICKET-6152] - Allow to add more than one WebSocketBehavior in the 
> component tree
> ** New Feature
> * [WICKET-6120] - Wicket Metrics
> ** Wish
> * [WICKET-6095] - Multiline headers in DataTable
> [1]
> [2] 

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