Wicket Bootstrap 0.9.17 (built against Wicket 6.23.0) and 0.10.7 (built
against Wicket 7.3.0) have been released and soon will be available at
Maven Central!

New components:
- Bootstrap Markdown editor: http://wb-mgrigorov.rhcloud.com/markdown
- Bootstrap Reting: http://wb-mgrigorov.rhcloud.com/extensions#rating

The changelog is:

Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov (67):
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
      Fixes #587 - update the versions in README
      Update dependencies
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      Update JS dependencies.
      Update JS dependencies.
      Fixes #586 - Update Bootstrap Select to 1.10.0
      Fixes #579 - "Start upload" button type should not be "submit"
because this was it makes normal (non-Ajax) submit
      Fix JS issue in application.js
      WICKET-6102 StackoverflowError related to enclosures
      Use Logger for debug messages
      Fixes #579 - "Start upload" button type should not be "submit"
because this was it makes normal (non-Ajax) submit
      Fix JS issue in application.js
      WICKET-6102 StackoverflowError related to enclosures
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      PR #592 - Use item's index to find the first carousel item
      Fixes #593 - Fix the file names of the resources for Material Design
      Update the Google Theme's CSS resources
      Update Bootswatch's theme CSS resources
      Revert the default theme for the samples application to Bootswatch
      Update Metro Theme
      Fixes #589 - Add integration with Bootstrap-Markdown
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      Fix compilation issue
      [toggle] Fixes #595: hide BootstrapToggleConfig#with(On|Off)Label
methods and add javadoc that BootstrapToggle#get(On|off)Label() should be
used for better i18n support
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      Update Wicket to 6.23.0 and Wicket-Webjars to 0.4.9
      Update Wicket to 7.3.0 and Wicket-Webjars to 0.5.4
      Fixes #597 - NotificationMessage#escapeModelStrings should be 'true'
by default
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      Fixes #599 - Initialize the children in the constructor because
otherwise there are not available in many public methods like #header(),
#setHeaderVisible(), etc.
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      Fixes #598 - Set the "pagination" CSS class on the <ul> element
      Fixes #600 - Support Pagination sizing
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      Fixes #601 - Initialize BootstrapCheckbox's children eagerly in its
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      Remove implicit modifiers
      Fixes #605 - Do not render <div class="checkbox"> for inline
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      Dependency updates
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      Fixes #606 - First add the link to ButtonList and then configure it.
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
     Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      Issue #602 - Minor improvements
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      [rating] Issue #609 - Change the 'step' to Integer
      [rating] Issue #609 - Change the type of RatingCssResourceReference
to CssResourceReference
      [rating] Issue #609 - Change to AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior so
that the Ajax updates actually send the new model to the server
      [rating] Issue #609 - RatingField should be used with <input
      [rating] Issue #609 - Code style formatting
      Fixes #612 - Initialize the ListBehavior eagerly, in the constructor
      [datetimepicker] Fixes #611 - Use predefined date pattern for
minDate, maxDate and defaultDate
      [datetimepicker] Add 'defaultDate' and 'useStrict' options.
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      Code formatting
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      [DataTable] Fix a compilation problem due to API break in Wicket 7.0
      Update Material Design theme
      Update Bootswatch themes
      Update Google theme
      Fixes #626 - Remove 'wicket' theme
      Update dependencies
      Merge branch 'master' into wicket-7.x
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare release bootstrap-parent-0.10.7

heryqk (13):
      Adding Contextual Classes support for tables.
      Adding support for Bootstrap Panel
      Mods requested by martin-g
      Removing old PanelType CSS for runtime panel type change support.
      Added PanelBehavior to class. Will not create a new instance of
PanelBehavior at onBeforeRender().
     Added getSize() to allow for Override in the new
      Added a bootstrap styled Navigator label which leverages the
      Adding a Bootstrap style border for Header Order By using IconType
      Added a bootstrap styled HeadersToolbar
      Added a Bootstrap styled NavigationToolbar
      A Bootstrap styled DefaultDataTable
      Changes requested by martin-g
      Updated the sort icons to use Glyphicon sort by attributes and
aligned     the icons to the right.

TahitianGabriel (7):
      20 New fontawesome icons in 4.5
      fontawesome 4.6.2
      correct whitespace
      Remove Bootswatch Amelia theme #608
      Correct misspelling in the name of ladda's "Contract" effect.
      Update JS version to 2.2.0     Add a constructor to give a JQ
selector instead of the component ID to     be able to use singleton's
      whitespace correction + serialUID

Daniel Jipa (3):
      Add the jquery rating plugin
      Update RatingCssResourceReference.java

Gabriel Bucher (1):
      fix correct reference to config

MichaƂ Szwaczko (1):
      issue #623 multi selection support

reiern70 (1):
      bootstrap based radio groups

subes (1):
      Update Carousel.java

The Wicket Bootstrap team!

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