
I have a form which contains a modal window. The submit button of this form is 
an AjaxButton and should first open the modal window. This form contains a 
collection of message object which should be changed by the modal window.

The modal window also contains a form and a AjaxButton to submit the form. Here 
the user can write something into a textfield and submit this form of the modal 
window. So the message objects will be changed by the users input and then the 
modal window will be closed by modalWindow.close(target).

This is the submit of the mother form:
public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
        for(FaultModel fm : selectedModel.getObject()) {
                System.out.println("ActionButton Remark: " + 

The selected model is a collection of messages which should be changed by the 
modal window. Therefore I will show the submit of the form of the modal window:
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
        RemarkForm remarkForm = (RemarkForm)form;
        for(FaultModel faultModel : remarkForm.getSelectedModel().getObject()) {
                System.out.println("Sets the old remark " + 
faultModel.getFaultRemark() + " to " + 

The change of the remark is successful and the window will be closed fine. But 
on my console I see the output:

ActionButton Remark: null
Sets the old remark null to testen

So it says the submit of my modal window will be executed to late. It will be 
triggered after he runs through the selectedModel. But first I want to change 
the selectedModel by the modal window and close it and then I want to write the 
output in the mother submit to the console. Why did he trigger the next steps 
after calling modalWindow.show? I thought the inner form have to be submitted 
before the next steps of the mother submit will be called.

What can I do here?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christoph Manig

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