
For normal rendering we have:

* We need to postpone calling beforeRender() on components that implement
{@link IFeedback}, to
* be sure that all other component's beforeRender() has been already
called, so that IFeedbacks
* can collect all feedback messages. This is the key under list of
postponed {@link IFeedback}
* is stored to request cycle metadata. The List is then iterated over in
* {@link #prepareForRender()} after calling {@link #beforeRender()}, to
initialize postponed
* components.
private static final MetaDataKey<List<Component>> FEEDBACK_LIST = new
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

Should there be similar functionality built in for Ajax update /
PartialPageUpdate? It seems to be a typical problem that the feedback of an
ajax update occurs too late.



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