No need for a quickstart for 2)… I've found the culprit.

Will be fixed immediately.


⁣Gesendet mit Blue ​

Am 19. Feb. 2018, 12:23, um 12:23, Sven Meier <> schrieb:
>many thanks for following our milestones closely.
>Could you please provide a quickstart for 2)?
>Regarding 3): Alternative would be calling beforeRender() instead. I'm
>not sure whether that will work for you though, without understanding
>why you called that internal API at all.
>Best regards
>⁣Gesendet mit Blue ​
>Am 19. Feb. 2018, 11:22, um 11:22, Thomas Heigl <>
>>Hi all,
>>I upgraded my application from M8 to M9 yesterday and encountered 3
>>1. Current WiQuery version is not compatible with M9
>>It still depends on WicketEventJQueryResourceReference. It would be
>>if someone could cut a milestone release for WiQuery as well, so I can
>>further testing with my application.
>>2. Failing tests for components with AjaxLazyLoadPanel
>>It seems that it is not possible anymore, to load an AjaxLazyLoadPanel
>>during an Ajax request. I have a panel that is initially invisible and
>>shown via an Ajax toggle link that contains a AjaxLazyLoadPanel. My
>>fails with:
>>java.lang.IllegalStateException: Components can no  longer be added
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at java.util.Optional.ifPresent(
>>> at
>>> at
>>The toggle link sets the panel containing the lazy-load panel visible
>>adds it to the ajax target:
>>public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>>> component.setVisible(!component.isVisible());
>>> target.add(component);
>>> }
>>3. Removed (internal) APIs
>>I have a custom component for rendering an infinite-scrolling list
>>uses two (internal) methods to update the underlying DataView:
>>public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>>>     pageable.setItemsPerPage(pageable.getItemsPerPage() +
>>> additionalItems);
>>    view.prepareForRender();
>>>     view.afterRender();
>>Both `prepareForRender` and `afterRender` are no longer accessible.
>>anyone have a suggestion what I could call instead? I sadly do not
>>why exactly we work against Wicket's default rendering in that case
>>looks like we want to do everything *except* the actual render.
>>Best regards,

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