
Here is another solution:
- put the locale in RequestCycle's metadata
- override Session#getLocale() and if Session#isTemporary() then use the
metadata, otherwise use the session's locale

On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 7:20 PM, Bas Gooren <b...@iswd.nl> wrote:

> Hi!
> We build mainly e-commerce websites on wicket, which means most pages are
> publicly visible and indexable.
> Since our websites are multi-language we have a custom
> CompoundRequestMapper which checks if the url contains a valid locale, and
> updates the session locale accordingly.
> This works great! With one small issue we would ideally like to fix: wicket
> binds the session once you call setLocale on it. As a result, every
> (stateless) public url that is requested leads to a session being created,
> and a cookie being sent to the requester.
> Since every component (effectively) depends on Session.get().getLocale() to
> get the current locale, we see no other way to handle this cleanly.
> Writing this now and having another look at the wicket source code, I
> reckon we could wrap the wicket request and override its getLocale()
> method. I probably hesitated to do so before because wicket expects a
> ServletWebRequest in some places, so the wrapper cannot simply extend the
> base Request class.
> Anyone here that has a good solution for this? Otherwise we have to check
> for implementations and decide on the wrapper based on that, but that’s
> rather ugly code.
> Also, I realize that we don’t just want to wrap the request for request
> mapping purposes (in our compound mapper). We need to wrap the request
> earlier, since we need to ensure the actual request passed in to the
> session constructor returns a locale that matches with the url.
> Would appreciate any thoughts you have on this.
> Thanks!
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Kind regards,
> Bas Gooren

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