
Sorry for the late answer: work overflow...

I did try the solution you provided which works with the following change:
public class NewsModel extends LoadableDetachableModel<List&lt;Double>> {

        private static final MetaDataKey<List&lt;Double>> NEWS_CACHE_KEY = new
                        MetaDataKey<>() {

        public NewsModel() {


        public List<Double> load() {
                final RequestCycle requestCycle = RequestCycle.get();
                List<Double> news = null;
                news = requestCycle.getMetaData( NEWS_CACHE_KEY );

                if( news == null ){
                        news = List.of( 12.0, 25.5 );
                        requestCycle.setMetaData( NEWS_CACHE_KEY, news );
                return news;

I had to remove the if condition `if (requestCycle != null)`, because it
seems always true.

Thanks again for your help.

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