
It depends how much code you want to be generated for you.
I just use Intellij IDEA templates to generate pages, panels, fragments, ...
But if you want also CRUD related code to be generated then I am not aware
of such tools.

Apache Isis provides something similar. There you design your domain
entities and the framework generates the UI (with Wicket) and REST
interfaces for them. There is also Angular frontend that consumes the REST
But here you have much less freedom how your (Wicket) UI will look like.
You can override the defaults but it is an effort!

On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 11:28 AM Zala Pierre GOUPIL <goupilpie...@gmail.com>

> All,
> It's 2019 now. Which scaffolding tool for a Wicket 8 user would you advise,
> please?
> Regards,
> Zala
> --
> Je n'aime pas seulement ma vie, mais aussi celle des autres.
> (Blade Runner)

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