
recently we have upgraded our application, from wicket 7.11 to wicket 8.3.0.
With wicket 7 everything seemed to be fine, however in wicket 8 we have an issue
with handling exception.
In Application we have in init() method:
                getRequestCycleListeners().add(new MyRequestCycleListener());

MyRequestCycleListener implements IRequestCycleListener and override method

    public IRequestHandler onException(RequestCycle cycle, Exception ex) {}
  Optional<AjaxRequestTarget> target = cycle.find(AjaxRequestTarget.class);
  //this part stopped working since it return Optional.empty(), because active 
  //and RequestHandlerScheduledAfterCurrent are both null
        if (target.isPresent()) {
            return target.get();
        IPageRequestHandler last = 
        WebPage page = (WebPage) (last.getPage());
                               return new RenderPageRequestHandler(new 

Is this a wicket bug or it was intention to work like this? If it was 
intentended, is there
any workaround to get the AjaxRequestTarget? Or the approach has changed in 
wicket 8? Any other ideas?



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