Have you tried #setDefaultFormProcessing(false)?

Otherwise the button will trigger new validation errors.


> On 19.02.2019 at 10:36,  <Casper Kent>  wrote:
>  I am trying to implement a "Clear" button on a form that will clear the 
> input fields as well as any feedback messages. The fields are clear with 
> form.clearInput() but the feedback messages are not. This is done with a 
> AjaxButton. I thought when the feedback panel is added to the target, it will 
> make the messages disappeared but it does not. Here is the relevant code: 
> form.add(new AjaxButton("clearButton") { @Override protected void 
> onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target) { form.clearInput(); target.add(form); 
> target.add(feedback); } @Override protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget 
> target) { form.clearInput(); target.add(form); target.add(feedback); } }); 

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