I am using:


            throw new RedirectUrlException(externalUrl);


to redirect to an external URL (i.e.
https://hostname/path?param1=value1&param2=value2 etc.,)


In constructing the URL I have used java.net.URLEncoder.encode() to
individual encode the values in each of the query parameters.


The browser shows the redirected URL with the query parameters being
'decoded' not encoded.


I stepped through in the debugger and saw that Wicket's
org.apache.wicket.util.encoding.UrlDecoder is being used to decode the
URL while processing the redirect.



I worked around problem by using the native Servlet API redirect:


            HttpServletResponse response =





            catch(IOException ioe)


                        logger.error("Error while attempting to redirect
to: " + url);



However, is there a 'Wicket' way of redirecting to an external URL
without causing the undesired decoding?



Note: Using Wicket 6.x




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