WicketStuff core 9.0.0-M1 based on Apache Wicket 9.0.0-M1 is released
and soon will be available at Maven Central!

The changelog is:

Andrea Del Bene (1):
      Changed package name of wicketstuff-rest-utils to solve issue
643 which is about OSGI bundles.

Andrew Kondratev (1):
      Improve debug logging formatting

Dennis Hoersch (1):
      Allow to customize selectize.js settings (#656)

Lucas Fernandes (1):
      Add language support Portuguese-BR (#659)

Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov (6):
      Use scalatest-maven-plugin to execute Scalatest (stop depending
on JUnitRunner for this)
      Upgrade Jackson to 2.9.8
      Fixes #655 - Do not try to render the model objects when
AbstractSelect2Choice component is in stateless mode
      Update Scala to 2.12.8 and scala-maven-plugin to 4.0.1
      [datatables] Fixes #660 - Add support for filtering to the
Infinite Scroll demo page
      Move the call of "MonitorFactory.getFactory().reset();" to
AfterEach in JamonMonitoredRequestCycleTest

Maxim Solodovnik (73):
      master branch is switched to the next dev version
      wicket1.5-tree is updated to latest release
      Basic work on switching to java9 (test failures)
      Toolchain is updated to contain java9
      Some code are fixed for java9
      Some more java9 issues are fixed
      Build seems to be fixed
      lambda-parent module is removed
      lambda-parent module is removed
      Initial attempt to switch to java10
      Redundant apt is removed
      OpenJdk location is updated
      Trying to fix SSL error
      Add myself to the notifications
      Another attenpt to fix the build
      AbstractReadOnlyModel is replaced with IModel
      AbstractRequestCycleListener and IChainingModel are removed
      Minor code indentation clean-up
      This weird test is fixed one more time
      Oracle jdk10 is added
      Add toolchains for Oracle
      Add toolchains for Oracle
      Toolchains selector improved
      Toolchains selector improved
      GeocoderTest.testGeocoding is ignored
      Useless IE 5/6 check is removed
      Another attempt to fix the tests
      Another attempt to fix the tests
      Another attempt to fix the tests
      Fixes issue #636: isPresent() is used for null check
      Fixes issue #638: getJQueryReference() is used instead of get()
      Merge pull request #639 from aldaris/depfix
      Fixes issue #637: URL parameters are correctly encoded
      Library versions were updated
      cglib and asm versions were updated
      jqplot4java is forked and it's dependencies are updated
      Version is fixed
      Build should be fixed, code clean-up, jqplot is updated
      Plugin versions were updated, code clean-up
      Missing javadocs should not fail the build
      scala-maven-plugin version decreased to reduce required maven version
      wicket-8.x version of PR #640
      master is switched to Java 11
      Build should be fixed
      Quiet option is removed
      Merge pull request #642 from andruhon/master
      Plugins and dependendencies are updated
      All tests are migrated to Junit5 (except for params order)
      Common property is moved to the top level pom
      Tests are separated from source sode
      Additional tests are fixed
      HTTPS is being used for artifact distribution
      Fixes issue #644: select2 parent is changed, getModelValue is fixed
      Tests are updated to use junit5
      StringBuffer -> StringBuilder
      Compilation is fixed (caused by WICKET-6620)
      Another attempt to fix the build
      Examples should be fixed
      Surefire plugin is updated
      Library versions are updated, shiro and phonebook examples are fixed
      Library versions are updated, code clean-up
      Build should be fixed
      Fixes #654: NPE due to transient fiels is null after component
was deserialized
      Code clean-up: @Deprecated classes/methods are removed,
compilation warnings are fixed
      Dependencies are updated with safe versions, build is fixed
      Tests are being executed as expected
      Scala tests are enabled back
      Outdated jquery-parent module is removed
      Initial attempt to fix cometd (tests are 'semi-working')
      Javadoc links are fixed
      Versions are aligned with wicket, plugins and dependencies are updated
      maven-bundle-plugin version is set to 4.1.0
      Wicketstuff-9.0.0-M1 is released

Sven Meier (1):
      WICKET-6563 adjusted to new IPageStore

Thanos Apostolou (1):
      Ajax redirect keeps ResponseState (#652)

froque (1):
      Ambiguous methods bridge (#646)

vineet (1):
      new project quickview added

The WicketStuff team

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