
On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 3:51 AM Ilya Naryzhnyy <phan...@ydn.ru> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm thinking about creating JavaScript library for more seamless embedding
> Wicket components and pages into external HTML pages. Use case: there is
> Wordpress site and it's needed to embed few components into corresponding
> pages. Your advice is needed!
> There are few options to do that:
> 1) IFRAME. It's the most easiest way, but there are some disadvantages:
> problems with SEO, vertical stretching, usability and etc.
> 2) Natural embedding through "document.write'. There are also some
> disadvantages: styles and scripts namespaces, security and etc.
> But nevertheless second option looks for me pretty interesting. Please stop
> me if you think otherwise.
> Logic of embedding:
> 1) User ebbedd special JavaScript library. For example by snippet: "<script
> src="http://mywicketsite/wicket-exporter.js";></script>"
> 2) User "binds" local element id to some Wicket Component. For example:
> WicketExporter.bind("elementId", "com.mypackage.MyComponent', attrsAsJson);
> 3) The library "renders" first all required Wicket scripts, libraries and
> present required element first as "dummy element".
> 4) Through Wicket Ajax Library invoke special "page" which returns
> AjaxRequestTarget which replace "dummy element" with required one.

> Your thoughts?
> After marrying VueJS and Wicket (https://github.com/OrienteerBAP/vuecket)
> I'm sure that it's possible, but, probably, I don't see some obvious
> obstacles.

I also don't see any problems doing it!

> Thanks,
> Ilia
> ---------------------------------------------
> Orienteer(http://orienteer.org) - open source Business Application
> Platform

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