
there a slight difference on how the response is rendered, see WebPageRenderer#shouldRedirectToTargetUrl()

    (isAjax(cycle) && targetUrl.equals(currentUrl))

This is the case for the Ajax submit creating PageOne, where - after the redirect - an additional page instance is created (since the URL does not contain a page id). In both other cases the rendering result of the target page is buffered and fetch afterwards by the redirect.

Did I miss something or am I misusing RestartResponseException ?
Are the tests in the UnVersionedUrlMapper wrong ?

I don't know why you are using UnVersionedUrlMapper or where it is coming from, so I cannot comment on it.

Your usage of RestartResponseException seems correct.

Best regards

On 20.07.21 14:35, Francois Meillet wrote:

I have two pages (identical) called PageOne and PageTwo, each with a form, 
mounted with an UnVersionedUrlMapper.
When I do a RestartResponseException in the submit (via an AjaxButton) to the 
same page (from pageOne to pageOne),
the PageOne's constructor is called twice. (onInitialize is called once)
But If I throw RestartResponseException (via an AjaxButton) from pageOne to 
pageTwo the PageTwo's constructor is called once or if I throw 
RestartResponseException (via a standard Button) from pageOne to pageOne the 
pageOne's constructor is called once.
Tested with all the 9.x
Here is the test the UnVersionedUrlMapper # mapHandler
if (requestHandler instanceof ListenerRequestHandler || requestHandler 
instanceof BookmarkableListenerRequestHandler) {
     return null;
else {
     return super.mapHandler(requestHandler);

Did I miss something or am I misusing RestartResponseException ?
Are the tests in the UnVersionedUrlMapper wrong ?

Thanks for your help.


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