
> IMHO this should not happen because the link URL includes the page version 
> number and in that version of the page 

for Ajax requests the page id is not increased. So your second non-ajax request 
hits the same page instance with an updated component tree.

For these cases (mixing ajax with non-ajax inside repeaters) it's better to use 
bookmarkable links inside the table - I assume these respond with some kind of 
detail page anyways.

Hope this helps

Am 22. Juli 2021 11:15:51 MESZ schrieb Tobias Gierke 
>I'm currently investigating the root cause of a 
>ComponentNotFoundException in our application (Wicket 8.12) that IMHO 
>should not happen in the first place (assuming I understood Wicket page
>versioning correctly, that is).
>1. The offending page displays search results using a DataTable with 
>non-AJAX links on items in each of the rows plus one "page backwards" 
>and one "page forwards" AJAX link outside of the DataTable to switch to
>the next/previous page of results
><previous>          <next>
>+------ data table ------+
>| <a ..>item1</a>        |
>| <a ..>item2</a>        |
>| .... etc...            |
>The crash is happening 100% of the time when doing the following:
>1.) Artifically increasing the round-trip time to the server by a lot 
>using NetEM (I'm on Linux), for example to a 400ms RTT:
>|tc qdisc add dev lo root handle ||1||:||0| |netem delay 200msec|
>2.) Clicking the "previous" or "next" AJAX link on the page
>3.) Immediately afterwards clicking any of the regular links inside the
>data table rows without waiting for the AJAX request to complete
>This gets me a ComponentNotFoundException
>has been removed from page.
>every time after the AJAX request completes and releases the page lock 
>so the second HTTP request is getting processed. IMHO this should not 
>happen because the link URL (from the regular link inside the data 
>table) includes the page version number and in that version of the page
>object graph the Link component should still exist (we've configured
>PageStore to keep 20 versions).
>What am I missing here ? Is this somehow related to mixing AJAX and 
>non-AJAX requests here ? FWIW, the DataTable is using the default 

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