Hi guys,
User Session goes null and other user 's session is updated wrongly.

I keep track of session instances in a map with username as key
The following happens in a scenario
Assume 3 users (foouser, baruser, foobaruser) are there in the system

1. foouser was logged in
   1.a) Session (id is 1) is stored in the map
2. baruser was logged in
   2.a) Session (id is 2) is stored in the map
3. Session has expired for baruser
     3.a) Trying to remove the baruser's session entry from the map
     3.b) Got NullPointerException while accessing the session for baruser
stored in the map, because somehow the session was null, so I couldn't
remove the entry from the map for baruser
4. foobaruser was logged in
         4.a) Session (id is 3) is stored in the map
         4.b) Session (id as 3) is updated in the map for baruser

I have two questions
1. How was the baruser's session set to null?  (step 3.b)
2. Why baruser's session was updated to the id which belongs to newly
logged in user? (step 4.b)?

Please help me to understand the problem.

*Thanks And RegardsSibi.ArunachalammCruncher*

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