Hi Joël,

You sent your message to the wrong mailing list.
I guess you meant us...@camel.apache.org


On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 4:24 PM Joël Guelluy <gasto...@skynet.be> wrote:

> Hello,
> There is something i don't understand around conversion and loosing
> modifications on my exchange (Camel 2.25.4)
> NOTE : At the end of this mail, i put a simplified version of my code
> and the traces.
> My route basically does this :
> 1) from email with copyTo=outFolder&delete=true
> 2) process(myProcessor) : Inside this, i do some work, including some
> modifications, eventually an override of copyTo, and finish with a call
> of a RestWS (return (String)response).
> 3) .unmarshal(new JacksonDataFormat(Reply.class))
> 4) remaining steps (not important)
> All the process is OK except 1 thing : in the traces, i see the
> modifications on the exchange before the unmarshal, and the original
> values are back after the unmarshall.
> I want to keep the modified properties in the following steps of my
> route.
> Do you know how i can to it ?
> Joël
> ---------------------------------------
> from(imap://server?username=xxx&password=xxx&copyTo=ACC/out&delete=true&unseen=false&folderName=ACC/in&mapMailMessage=false)
>         .routeId("mail-Reply")
>         .process(myProcessor)
>         .unmarshal(new JacksonDataFormat(Reply.class))
>         .choice()
>                 .when(simple("${body.status} != 'OK'"))
>                 .throwException(new MyException("Error"))
>         .end()
>         .transform(simple("${body.file.content}"))
>         .unmarshal().base64()
>         ...
> public class MyProcessor implements Processor {
>      @Override
>      public void process(Exchange exchange) {
>                 IMAPMessage mainMessage =
> exchange.getIn().getBody(IMAPMessage.class);
>                 String htmlCode = extractHTML(mainMessage.getContent());
>                 Map<String, String> extractedData = extractData(htmlCode);
>                         exchange.getIn().setHeader("copyTo",
> "ACC/toCheck");
>              exchange.getIn().setHeader("subject", "body");
>                 exchange.getProperties().putAll(extractedData);
>                 String subject = (String)
> exchange.getIn().getHeader("subject");
>                 String jsResponse = callOfA_REST_WebService()
>                 exchange.getIn().setBody(jsResponse);
>      }
> }
> logs
> You can see subject and copyTo in the 1st line, they disapears in the
> next line.
> 12:17:21.768 [Camel (camel-1) thread #3 - imap://mail.nuvem.intra] INFO
> org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.Tracer -
> ID-PCP48141-1664187007789-0-6 >>> (mail-Reply) Processor@0x432f2970 -->
> unmarshal[org.apache.camel.component.jackson.JacksonDataFormat@207dd1b7]
> <<< Pattern:InOnly, Headers:{Accept-Language=en-US, en-AU,
> breadcrumbId=ID-PCP48141-1664187007789-0-6, Content-Language=en-US,
> Content-Type=multipart/alternative;
>         boundary="...", copyTo=ACC/toCheck, Date=Fri, 26 Aug 2022 09:51:32
> +0200, From="no-re...@xxx.be" <no-re...@xxx.be>, Message-ID=<6be3>,
> MIME-Version=1.0, Received=[...], Subject=body,
> Thread-Index=AdjRh0ZWl+D/M9njSGaY14JVfSU0xA==, Thread-Topic=mail
> 25/08/2022 14:05:03
> , To="y...@yyy.be" <y...@yyy.be>, BodyType:String,
> Body:{"id":"Corresp_Rest:064c","status":"OK","taskStatus":null,"messages":[""],"data":{"request_id":"Corresp_Rest:2","file":{"content":"JVBER...
> [Body clipped after 1000 chars, total length is 109290]
> 12:17:21.786 [Camel (camel-1) thread #3 - imap://mail.nuvem.intra] INFO
> org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.Tracer -
> ID-PCP48141-1664187007789-0-6 >>> (mail-Reply)
> unmarshal[org.apache.camel.component.jackson.JacksonDataFormat@207dd1b7]
> --> choice <<< Pattern:InOnly, Headers:{Accept-Language=en-US, en-AU,
> Content-Language=en-US, Content-Type=multipart/alternative;
>         boundary="...", Date=Fri, 26 Aug 2022 09:51:32 +0200,
> From="no-re...@xxx.be" <no-re...@xxx.be>, Message-ID=<6be3>,
> MIME-Version=1.0, Received=[...
> ...], Subject=mail 25/08/2022 14:05:03,
> Thread-Index=AdjRh0ZWl+D/M9njSGaY14JVfSU0xA==, Thread-Topic=mail
> 25/08/2022 14:05:03
> , To="y...@yyy.be" <y...@yyy.be>, BodyType:be.myws.Reply,
> Body:be.myws.Reply@6e6f51d7
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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