On Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 10:50 AM Sandor Feher <sfe...@bluesystem.hu> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 1:23 PM Sandor Feher <sfe...@bluesystem.hu> wrote:
> >> Now I use IndicatingAjaxButton for that but catching it within onSubmit
> >> is late.
> >>
> >What do you mean with "is late" ?
> As I realized when the first line of onSubmit function is executed the
> file(s)  already get
> uploaded.
> >When exactly do you need the notifications ?
> When uploading process is started.

IndicatingAjaxButton starts showing the indicator before the form
submittion (i.e. when the process starts), then the files are uploaded, and
then when all the data is sent to the server the Form#onSubmit or onError
is called, and finally when the Ajax response is returned
IndicatingAjaxButton hides the indicator

> --
> Üdvözlettel/Kind Regards, Fehér Sándor
> ...Fehér Sándor...            ---    ....Sandor Feher....
>   fejlesztési vezetõ           ---     development manager
>   Blue System Kft.             ---      Blue System Ltd.
> ..........................................................................................
> http://www.bluesystem.hu  :http://www.adatmegorzo.hu  :
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> ..........................................................................................
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