You need more than that ?

<div id="wakeUpForm">
           <form wicket:id = "wakeUpForm">
           <div wicket:id="devicesGroup">

               <table  class="wakeUptable" >
                 <th><wicket:message key="selectMessage"/></th>
                 <th><wicket:message key="hostNameMessage"/></th>
                 <th><wicket:message key="macMessage"/></th>
                 <th><wicket:message key="reachable"/></th>
                 <th><wicket:message key="removeMessage"/></th>
                      <tr wicket:id="userDevicesListView">

*Laurent Duparchy
ESRF - The European Synchrotron
MIS Unit
04 76 88 22 56*
Sven Meier wrote on 02/11/2022 17:38:
Show us the relevant markup please.


On 02.11.22 15:13, Laurent Duparchy wrote:

Yes, *devicesGroup *is initially visible. Everything seems fine in terms of 
Ajax request/response.

When I add only the *feedbackpanel*, it is correctly added and painted with the 
correct feedback message
When I add *devicesGroup*, nothing is repainted, including the *feedbackpanel*.

I tried to add only the *userDevicesListView *for repaint, but there is an 
error saying that it's not possible to add a repeater and to add its parent... 
which is devicesGroup.

There's probably a flaw in the devicesGroup design. Basically it contains a list of items w/ two 
possible ajax action : "check" and "delete".

"Check" will only gives a result in the feedback panel and is working fine.
"Delete" will, you guessed, delete the item and repaint the list. The item is 
truly deleted, in the database and /userDevices /list is reloaded.

it is designed as follow (worked fined w/ Wicket 1.4)
private class UserDevicesLoadableDetachableModel extends 
LoadableDetachableModel {

        private List userDevices ;

private class UserDevicesListView extends ListView {

        public UserDevicesListView(String id, 
UserDevicesLoadableDetachableModel imodel) {
            super(id, imodel);

/userDevicesListView = new UserDevicesListView("userDevicesListView", 
/devicesGroup = new CheckGroup<Device>("devicesGroup", new ArrayList<>()){//
//    public boolean isVisible() {...}//
//} /
//devicesGroup.add(new CheckGroupSelector("devicesGroupSelector"));//

*Laurent Duparchy
ESRF - The European Synchrotron
MIS Unit
04 76 88 22 56*
Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro wrote on 29/10/2022 04:06:

is devicesGroup initially visible? if not you need to
setOutputMarkupplaceHolder(true) in it. Because otherwise wicket will not
output anything for it and AJAX replacement will fail at client side.

On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 4:27 PM Martin Grigorov<>

Hi Laurent,

Few questions:
1) is the Ajax call actually executed ?
Set a breakpoint inside #onClick() and see whether it breaks
2) Is there any error (Java or JavaScript) ?
Check both the server logs and the browser console

On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 10:45 AM Laurent Duparchy<>


Sorry for the basic question.... If this is the wrong place to ask,
tell me.
If there is a relevant documentation to read, tell me as well.

I'm upgrading a very old & small app from Wicket 1.4 to Wicket 9.

Following an Ajax call, one component is not refreshed as it was before.

This is the "userDevicesListView" which is inside the "devicesGroup"
component. See below.

<div id="wakeUpForm">
           <form wicket:id = "wakeUpForm">
           <div wicket:id="devicesGroup">

               <table  class="wakeUptable" >
                 <th><wicket:message key="selectMessage"/></th>
                 <th><wicket:message key="hostNameMessage"/></th>
                 <th><wicket:message key="macMessage"/></th>
                 <th><wicket:message key="reachable"/></th>
                 <th><wicket:message key="removeMessage"/></th>
                      <tr wicket:id="userDevicesListView">
Upon the Ajax call the userDevicesListView is changed and devicesGroup is
added to the target and should be rendered / repainted but it is not.

public void onClick(Optional<AjaxRequestTarget> target) {
             Device deviceToRemove = (Device) getModelObject();
             try {
                 removeDevice(deviceToRemove, user);
                 info(deviceToRemove.getHostName() + " " +
             } catch (Exception e) {

                 LOG.error("error while deleting" +
deviceToRemove.getHostName(), e);



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