As usual, I see that my question goes pretty far beyond what I thought it did. 
I have a bit of code that, after issuing a SAML assertion, sets up a 
WSSecSignatureSAML object in order to sign the message with the private key 
associated with the assertion. It set up the WSSecSignatureSAML by pulling info 
from a RequestData object, like the WSSConfig, signature user, relevant 
algorithms, etc. And it also pulled out the signature parts from RequestData 
and set them into the WSSecSignatureSAML via setParts() - but that method 
doesn't exist anymore. For that matter, there's no way to set a WSSConfig 
either. So is there a new/better/different way to set the config and the parts 
for the WSSecSignatureSAML object, or should I be using something different now?


Stephen W. Chappell

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