For what it is worth, Colm, I was able to crib your fix for the parser pool off 
of Fisheye and stick it in my own code for the time being. With that in place 
and the custom code below to set the signature, I end up with a signed SAML 
assertion with advice that has the signature intact.


Stephen W. Chappell

-----Original Message-----
From: Chappell, Stephen CTR (FAA) 
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 9:07 AM
Subject: Signature stripped from Assertions in Advice

Some time ago, with WSS4J 1.6.x, I had a problem where if I was building a SAML 
token that contained another signed SAML token in its Advice, the signature on 
the inner token would be stripped clean - there'd be an element, but it would 
have empty <SignatureValue/> and <DigestValue/> elements. The stripping 
occurred during the call to sa.signAssertion().  I had traced the problem to 
the calls to ReleaseDOM() in the AssertionWrapper.setSignature() call, and so 
worked around it by writing a custom signAssertion that is pretty much the same 
as what's in AssertionWrapper, but replacing setSignature with some code I 
cribbed from OpenSAML.

I bring this up now because with WSS4J2, this solution isn't working for me, 
because of the NPE exception I mentioned previously (it is fixed in that spot, 
but this is a different spot where I am calling OpenSAML methods directly, so 
the same fix doesn't apply). So I thought I'd revert back to the 
SamlAssertionWrapper.signAssertion() method. But, that has the same problem as 
WSS4J 1.6 - the Advice assertion has its signature stripped. As I recall, when 
ReleaseDOM() is called, it releases the existing signature values so that when 
WSS4J later signs the Assertion (I think I remember that the actual signing is 
deferred until later?) those values are already lost, and what gets built is an 
empty signature object. Since I need my Advice Assertions to retain their 
signature, that doesn't work for me.

So my workaround would probably still apply if I could get past the marshalling 
NPE ... can you tell me how you did that?

For what is is worth, this is what I replaced setSignature with ... my NPE's 
come in with the call to "marshall".

    protected final void addSignatureToAssertion(SamlAssertionWrapper sa, 
Signature signature,
        String signatureDigestAlgorithm)
        if ( sa.getXmlObject() instanceof SignableSAMLObject ) {
            SignableSAMLObject signableObject = (SignableSAMLObject) 

            SAMLObjectContentReference contentRef = 

            try {
                if ( sa.getSaml1() != null ) {
                } else if ( sa.getSaml2() != null ) {
            } catch ( MarshallingException e ) {

            try {
            } catch ( SignatureException e ) {


Stephen W. Chappell

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