Many Thanks for confirming the implementation for only X509 
Martin Gainty 

Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 16:40:42 +0100
Subject: Re: How to use multiple CRL with WSS4J ?

Martin, are you referring to the missing "PKCS7"? Merlin is designed to work 
with X.509 certificates, so it doesn't apply here.


On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 4:35 PM, Martin Gainty <> wrote:

Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 15:42:53 +0100
Subject: Re: How to use multiple CRL with WSS4J ?

Yes please do a pull request, or create a JIRA and attach the diff there.


On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Claude Libois <> wrote:
Ok found your github. Will do a pull request.
2016-09-30 16:19 GMT+02:00 Claude Libois <>:
New version with the trim() correctly done after the split not before...

2016-09-30 16:04 GMT+02:00 Claude Libois <>:
Found that it was not possible with Merlin cause it only allow to define a 
single CRL File.I have done a quick change that enable a comma separated list 
of crl.Here is the change. Can someone review it and if it's ok add it to the 
official source code ?//        // Load the CRL file        //        String 
crlLocations = properties.getProperty(prefix + X509_CRL_FILE);        if 
(crlLocations != null) {            crlLocations = crlLocations.trim();         
   String[] splittedCrlsLocation=crlLocations.split(",");            
List<X509CRL> crls=new ArrayList();            for (int i = 0; i < 
splittedCrlsLocation.length; i++) {                String crlLocation = 
splittedCrlsLocation[i];                InputStream is = 
loadInputStream(loader, crlLocation);
                try {                    CertificateFactory cf = 
getCertificateFactory();                    X509CRL crl = 
(X509CRL)cf.generateCRL(is);                    crls.add(crl);                } 
catch (Exception e) {                    if (DO_DEBUG) {                        
LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e);                    }                    throw new 
WSSecurityException(WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILURE, "ioError00", e);     
           } finally {                    if (is != null) {                     
   is.close();                    }                }            }            
try {                if (provider == null || provider.length() == 0) {          
          crlCertStore =                            CertStore.getInstance(      
new CollectionCertStoreParameters(crls)                            );
                } else {                    crlCertStore =                      
      CertStore.getInstance(                                    "Collection",   
                                 new CollectionCertStoreParameters(crls),       
                             provider                            );             
   }            } catch (Exception e) {                if (DO_DEBUG) {          
          LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e);                }                throw 
new WSSecurityException(WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILURE, "ioError00", e); 
           }            if (DO_DEBUG) {                LOG.debug(               
         "The CRL " + crlLocations + " has been loaded"                );       
          List<X509Certificate> certList = Arrays.asList(x509certs);
          CertPath path = getCertificateFactory().generateCertPath(certList);
MG>what I see from IBM:  FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename);
    // instantiate a CertificateFactory for X.509
    CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
    // extract the certification path from
    // the PKCS7 SignedData structure
    CertPath cp = cf.generateCertPath(fis, "PKCS7");
MG>is IBM doc incorrect?
Best Regards,Claude
2016-09-30 15:14 GMT+02:00 Claude Libois <>:
Hi,I got the following pki chain Root CA>Intermediate CA>Client signing 
A suggested by Colm, I have set in my truststore my Intermediate CA and my Root 
However, by doing this, CRL verification doesn't work. In fact, it seems to 
validate my Intermediate CA against the Root CA crl while I'm only interested 
to verify the client certificate.I'm not sure how revocation validation works 
but it seems to validate CRL for every certificate(except the Root).However, I 
don't know how to specify multiple CRL in WSS4J or if it possible to merge 2 
crl files into a common one ?I have provided 2 logs. The first one with the 
Intermediate CA CRL. We can see that validation of the Intermediate CA against 
Root CRL failed since it's not provided.The second one is with the Root CA CRL. 
Intermediate CA validation succeed but the signing certificate then failed...
Best Regards,Claude

Colm O hEigeartaigh

Talend Community Coder

Colm O hEigeartaigh

Talend Community Coder

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