Hi all,

I'm using the albatross skin: I've noticed that in the printed pages the 
logo that appear on the top of the pages is the original XWiki logo, 
even if I had already changed it (as explained on xwiki.org).

I've done a modification in the print.vm file, now the correct logo is 
displayed. This is the section that sets the logo in my print.vm:

   <div id="companylogo">
     <a href="$xwiki.getURL("Main.WebHome", "view")" title="Home">
       #set($logoname = $xwiki.getSkinPreference("logo", "logo.png"))
       #set($logo = $!prefdoc.getAttachment($logoname))
         #set($logourl = $xwiki.getSkinFile($logoname))
         <img src="$!logourl" alt="XWiki" width="200" height="70"/>
         #set($logourl = $prefdoc.getAttachmentURL($logo.filename, 
         <img src="$!logourl" alt="XWiki"/>

Hope this coudl be useful for everyone!

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