
Don't call the database directly. XWiki offers API for doing this.

What tutorial are you referring to?


On Oct 30, 2007, at 11:53 AM, V. Harikrishnan Nair wrote:

> Hi all...
>  I am learning how to read from the default xwiki database xwiki_db  
> using
> groovy. This is the code I got from the tutorial ->
> -------------
> import groovy.sql.Sql
> sql =
> Sql.newInstance("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://serverName/dbName- 
> CLASS;domain=domainName",
> "username",
>                    "password", "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver")
> sql.eachRow("select * from tableName", { println it.id + " --
> ${it.firstName} --"} );
> ------------
> This is the code which is edited by me ->
> -----------
> import groovy.sql.Sql
> sql =
> Sql.newInstance("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost/xwiki_db- 
> CLASS;domain=domainName",
> "sa",
>                    "", "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver")
> sql.eachRow("select * from XWIKIDOC", { println it.id + " -- $ 
> {it.firstName}
> --"} );
> ----------
> Can anyone please rectify any errors here ? Especially the closure  
> in the
> third line as I don't know the fields present in XWIKIDOC table...
> Thanks,
> Harikrishnan

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