Hi Vincent,
People who are interested in free xwiki and want to use it as an
experimental tool can download it and play with it. It costs nothing for
As far as I have seen that students and other such individuals seldom become
paying customers. They typically use for project work etc.

I think hosted solution should focus on paying customers only unless you
want to test the scalability of xwiki real time by giving free access.


Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 15:32:41 +0100
> From: Vincent Massol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [xwiki-users] [Proposal] New free and community-managed farm
>        on      xwiki.org?
> To: XWiki Developers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, XWiki Users <users@xwiki.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
> Hi everyone,
> Some time back XWiki SAS, the company who started XWiki had a free
> online farm on xwiki.com. This farm was closed for new projects a few
> months ago after XWiki SAS realized it didn't have the manpower (or
> finance) to support it in a professional way. XWiki SAS still has a
> professional farm offering but it's not a free farm (see
> http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Services/#HHosting)
> .
> I'd like to discuss with you the idea of offering a free farm managed
> by the xwiki community and under the xwiki.org umbrella. In essence it
> means there would be 2 farms available:
> * a paying one which is on xwiki.com, for professional needs
> * a free one on xwiki.org for universities, individuals or anyone not
> requiring guaranteed support/availability at all times
> Here's how it would work:
> * No support guarantee. All support done on the xwiki.org user mailing
> list.
> * No stability guarantee. We would always install the latest Platform/
> XE/XEM version on it and it would serve as a stability test for the
> xwiki development team. Obviously the community will always try to
> make it as stable as possible but that's not guaranteed.
> * There will be several members of the community who'll have admin
> access on the farm.
> * We will reduce admin tasks by offering a simple UI on the farm
> itself (restart, see memory stats, see blocking requests, ban a wiki,
> etc)
> * It will be open to anyone. However the target users will be
> technical people who can support themselves to some extent. We won't
> control that but it'll be mentioned on the registration page.
> XWiki SAS would pay for the machine, hosting and the initial
> installation.
> I have 2 questions for you:
> 1) As a user of it, would you be interested by such a farm? Do you
> think it's interesting for the xwiki project to have such a free farm?
> 2) As a community member, would you be willing to help administer it/
> support it? For this farm to work we need to find several members of
> the xwiki community willing to help administer it. Here are the tasks
> I can think of:
> - work on the welcome page content for the farm
> - work on the FAQ for the farm (like "what do I do if I've lost my
> password", etc)
> - help answer user questions on the list (this can and should be be
> done by everyone)
> Thanks
> -Vincent, with 2 hats: community developer and CTO of XWiki SAS
users mailing list

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