On Jan 25, 2008, at 11:23 AM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network  
ICT Team wrote:

> Vincent Massol wrote:
>> This issue is closed already so could you please create a new one
>> stating the problem again?
>> Also, in order to understand the pb I need to know what's the xwiki
>> database version for the different wikis you've updated. This is
>> printed like this in the logs:
>> "No storage migration required since current version is [6431] "
> Hi Vincent,
> I will hold the thread in the JIRA issue
> http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-2035
> BTW, I've created only a couple of JIRA issues so far, but both times
> I've got the same error message when hitting the create button...
> http://mire.environmentalchange.net/~webmaster/images/JiraError.png
> Am I doing anything wrong? Is this a know problem? Must I create a  
> Issue about the JIRA Issue? :-)

Really weird... never seen this. We could try to upgrade to a newer  
version of JIRA


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