The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki  
Eclipse 1.1.

Go grab it at

XEclipse 1.1 introduces several bug fixes and improvements for a nicer  
user experience.

Changes from 1.0.1:

* XECLIPSE-70 - Invalid text in delete dialog box
* XECLIPSE-84 - Invalid version displayed when editing a page
* XECLIPSE-87 - Cannot reconnect after disconnecting
* XECLIPSE-89 - Login name with space
* XECLIPSE-23 - Double-clicking on a tree node should open the node
* XECLIPSE-73 - Add edit working set feature
* XECLIPSE-77 - In preview panel, display the current URL and allow  
typing any URL
* XECLIPSE-78 - In preview pane, add right click action to open the  
current URL in external browser
* XECLIPSE-81 - Let user decide if they want to overwrite the server  
version rather than merge it

For more information see the Release notes and instructions at:

-The XWiki dev team
users mailing list

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