[Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team wrote:
> Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
>> [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In a 1.3-milestone-1.7186 installation I frequently get the following 
>>> error while trying to inline edit an user. I also get this error if I 
>>> edit user's objects. The name of the group doesn't appear always in the 
>>> error message (Here you will read XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup):
>> See http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-1937
> Sergiu, please, I understand that this answer belongs to the previous 
> thread "import_listoferrorsfiles" but not to this different issue while 
> editing users, doesn't it?

Indeed, I replied to the wrong mail. Sorry.
Sergiu Dumitriu
users mailing list

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