The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki Enterprise 1.3 final.

Go grab it at

This release spanned 2 full months starting on the 10th of January 2008 and ending on the 7th of March 2008. During that period we implemented over 200 issues, fixing close to 100 bugs and adding new features such as:

    * Ability to export pages as HTML in a zip file
    * Ability to export the current page in a XAR
    * Better Oracle support
    * New Toucan skin
* Complete rewrite of the LDAP authentication support including the support for LDAP groups * Diff emails sent by the Watchlist feature + ability to customize the email sent * Improved translation (German, French, Spanish) + new transaltions (Slovak)

Main changes from 1.3RC1:

    * Core changes:
          o Bugs
                + XWIKI-1850 - No security against recursive includes
                + XWIKI-2047 - DB2 Hibernate Mapping for 1.2
+ XWIKI-2163 - XWiki.parseGroovyFromPage() doesn't work when passing the a page containing JARs to be put in the Groovy classloader
                + XWIKI-2164 - Cannot log out
+ XWIKI-2171 - When user is not in the bind_DN/ bind_pass search for DN from user uid fail
          o Improvements
                + XWIKI-2157 - Add Slovak translation
+ XWIKI-2170 - Allow inactive users to see specific pages
    * Albatross Skin:
          o Bugs
+ XSALBATROSS-18 - Parse error when serving skin.js through SkinAction
    * Toucan Skin:
          o Bugs
+ XSTOUCAN-11 - RSS macro isn't styled correctly in Toucan + XSTOUCAN-12 - In inline edit mode all the input fields are stretched to the full content width + XSTOUCAN-13 - Numbered lists do not appear as numbered + XSTOUCAN-17 - Bulletted lists do not show bullets in the WYSIWYG editor
          o Improvements
+ XSTOUCAN-14 - In admin mode allow clicking anywhere on a tab to select it + XSTOUCAN-15 - Increase size of info box displayed by the #xwikimessageboxstart macro + XSTOUCAN-16 - Remove borders for tables using the memberstable class id
    * Watchlist plugin
          o Bugs
+ XPWATCHLIST-20 - Exception on Scheduler.WebHome about "isDocumentWatched"

For more information see the Release notes at:

-The XWiki dev team

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