Just to be clear these are goodies you can buy.

We'll also print some T-shirts as a *gift* for some of our best committers/contributors.


On Mar 17, 2008, at 2:46 PM, Guillaume Lerouge wrote:

Hi fellow XWikiers,

We teased you with a few exclusive t-shirt pictures 2 weeks ago... The time has now come to offer our community the opportunity to enjoy them too !

We have setup a cafepress account for XWiki, available at http://www.cafepress.com/xwiki . You'll be able to find there t-shirts, mugs, caps and many more goodies to play with !

We have put a small profit margin on most products. The money received through the sale of those goodies will go straight back into the XWiki Open-Source Community development effort, under a format yet to define (but the idea will be to reward the most active XWiki committers & contributors from outside of XWiki SAS - the company).

One address : http://www.cafepress.com/xwiki - enjoy !

I've also added the XWiki logos & other fun images on this page for the community to enjoy : http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Goodies

We hope to see you all wearing XWiki apparel soon ;-)

On behalf of the XWiki Development Team,

PS : Ricardo, we'd be glad to see the XWiki logo on your sports teams shirts :-) You'll find all the images you'll need on the Goodies page mentioned above. Don't forget to send us the pictures when you wear them - and win ! :-)
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