The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Workspaces 1.0 RC 2.

Go grab it at

This is the second, and hopefully last release candidate for the 1.0
version of XWiki Workspaces. This RC 2 release is based on the recent
XWiki Enterprise 1.3.2 release.

Bug we've fixed in XWS since 1.0 RC 1 :

* XWS-10 - Missing validation on workspaces creation form
* XWS-14 - Document creation lightboxes not visibles if the page is scrolled
* XWS-18 - Gallery editing page is a bit screwed up in IE6 & IE7
* XWS-40 - Lightboxes are displayed _real_ bad in IE6
* XWS-44 - Problem with the item creation popup : when we "Cancel & Close"
(the X in the upper-right corner) we are redirected to "undefined"
* XWS-45 - After a registration we should be redirected to
XWSAdmin.ManageUsers (instead of just having an empty page with the
"Registration Successfull" message)
* XWS-48 - The new workspace creation form could be a bit reskinned (on
the XWS.MySpaces page)
* XWS-51 - A user should not be allowed to delete Himself from his
Personnal Space
* XWS-52 - The Administrator (Admin / admin) should not be displayed OR
not be allowed to remove himself from the Admin list of the Organization
* XWS-53 - If we have a workspace title on more than 1 line (around more
than 45-50 characters - space included) the layout is a bit broken
* XWS-57 - Problem when we create a link to a image page - parameter
'viewer=image' is missing
* XWS-67 - There is two links leading to the current user profile in the
top action bar
* XWS-68 - Workspace creation form should be under the workspace list
* XWS-71 - The "Comments" message is too big compared to page title and
other font sizes
* XWS-73 - Under IE browsers, the Admin XWiki toolbar does not work properly
* XWS-75 - Preview fails on unsaved (new) blog article
* XWS-76 - Non-admin registered users can edit but not view their profile
* XWS-78 - Layout issue in edit mode under IE6 (white banner on top +
scrolling disappearing)

For more information, see the Release notes at:

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