On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 9:15 AM, Vincent Massol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Erwan,
> On Jun 6, 2008, at 7:22 AM, Erwan Loisant wrote:
>> Hello,
>> First of all thank you for that great piece of software; I'm going to
>> deploy it in my company because I could demo a project management
>> application that I wrote in a couple hours (starting without much
>> knowledge of xwiki). That's going to make everyone life's easier.
> Great! We love to hear these kinds of stories. Keep them coming!
>> So, I started to build a prototype based on this tutorial (I believe
>> this is Velocity)
>> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/FAQTutorial
> You can also check this more detailed tutorial:
> http://www.theserverside.com/tt/articles/article.tss?l=XWiki
>> Now, I'm trying to get a good workflow to go beyond the trivial app.
>> I'm hoping for source code management, be productive while coding, and
>> an easy way to deploy the app on a different wiki (i.e. build it on my
>> machine then deploy on production). Later, I may want to keep a dev
>> version in parallel of the prod version so I can play around without
>> making executives mad at me for breaking stuff... And deploy the
>> changes to the prod when it's ready.
>> So, here we go:
>> * SCM: I noticed that, being a wiki, there's basically a SCM included.
>> Even if versions are page based instead of project based, that's
>> probably enough.
> Yep. If not you can still save your xwiki pages in your favorite SCM
> (by doing exports/imports) but it involves more steps.
>> * Text editor: is there a way to use my preferred text editor (that
>> happens to be VI) rather than my web browser? I remember seeing
>> Eclipse used in a demo in SF, is it possible with other editors as
>> well?
> Yes we have a tool called XEClipse:
> http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extensions/XEclipseExtension
> This should allow you to get the best productivity. You can even
> install it inside Eclipse and use the vi keybinding if you want I
> guess... ;)
> You can use any text editor for writing wiki page content and then
> later on copy/paste them in xwiki pages. The only issue you'll have is
> with Objects/Classes since you won't be able to define them in your
> editor. BTW we've just added support for Objects in XEclipse (not
> released yet, needs to be built from trunk).

If you are using Firefox you can also use

>> * Import/export: I could only find export of the whole wiki. I guess
>> there's a way to export a selection of pages (or a whole space?) but I
>> couldn't find it. What about classes? Are classes just a special kind
>> of page that can be exported along with the rest?
> Classes are in pages so they're also exported/imported. Re selective
> we're missing this as part of the main feature (we should really add
> it especially as it's not hard). We do have some way around, see
> http://xwiki.markmail.org/search/?q=selective%20export

- in the menu Print -> Export as XAR which export the current page.
See http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/Exports
- you can use Application Manager which provide selective
import/export, translation page registration etc... See

>> * I think I read somewhere that properties can't be deleted from
>> classes. Is it still true? If yes, is there a way to get rid of a
>> property (for example by deleting the class then recreate it) without
>> loosing all instances?
> Unfortunately this is not ready yet. Someone was working on it 1 or 2
> months ago. You can follow
> http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-99 to monitor the status.
>> In general, is it unrealistic to try to get that kind of process with
>> an app that is just made of custom classes and a set of Velocity
>> scripts?
> No. That's what we're trying to achieve in the near future. So far
> we've worked mostly on the wiki platform/engine. I think the coming
> months will see improvements in the development features of xwiki.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
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