If this is similar to an issue i had with the tiny_mce wysiwyg, you might be
able to prevent garbling of links by overriding
convertURL() rather than encodeURI(), e.g.

 * HACK: Tell TinyMCE to leave-alone the URL's ... they are fine as-is.. as
relative links
 * during edit in AssetTemp/xxxxxxx, and as permanent links in
$wysi_publishSpace on save
tinyMCE.convertURL = function(url, node, on_save) { return url; };

You also need to make sure to use relative URL's for wikimarkup based images
and links. I had problems with fully qualified URLs when using wikimarkup
for images or links. HTML A or IMG can successfully work w/ fully-qualified
links in the WYSIWYG.

(See http://n2.nabble.com/Video-Macro-not-working---td510273.html#a528186for

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 6:12 PM, xiaoyao1118 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> HI
> We use xwiki process, ie in the browser now can not solve a visual
> (wysiwyg) Editor garbled coding problem firefox under no problems!
> We deployment environment:
> Os: windowsXp
>   jdk: 1.5.0_08
>   tomcat: 5.5
>   xwiki: xwiki-enterprise-web-1.5-SNAPSHOT.war
> Comcat under the webapp deployed to the
> xwiki-enterprise-web-1.5-SNAPSHOT.war
> Generation xwiki-enterprise-web-1.5-SNAPSHOT directory of directories for
> amending xwiki
> Chinese international set of process:
> Light settings:
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Encoding
> The reference in the directory xwiki set to amend the corresponding
> documents
> Tomcat restart the use of super-user login
> In General ---- Language --- default language is set to zh also set to zh -
> Save
> In Wiki Preferences ----> import ---- accordingly. Xar documents
> Chinese pages normal
> The editorial page editor of the use of visual (sysiwyg)
>  Steps see Annex process.jpg
> Garbled after we revised the link.js in insertLink () of the code
>   if (wikiTabElm! = null & & wikiTabElm.className == "current") (
>         var href = document.forms [0]. wiki_page.value;
>         var space = document.forms [0]. wiki_space.value;
>         var wikitext = document.forms [0]. wiki_text.value;
>         var target = document.forms [0]. wiki_target.value;
>         tinyMCE.themes [ 'wikieditor']. insertLink (href, target, wikitext,
> space, "", dummy, "");
>     )
> To amend the href encodeURI this can be resolved preview and preservation
> issues garbled
> When you click 'Save and continue to edit' after garbled still exist! Ask
> how to solve the above problem «urgent! Thanks!

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