
syam_kg wrote:
> Hi
> I am facing a problem with user registration. An user registers by putting
> all the required fields and he gets a page saying that 'Registration is
> successfull'. A validation email is also been send to him. If he tries to
> login without activation, XWiki logs him in and gives a message 'Your
> account is not yet active, because your email has not yet been confirmed.'.
> He goes back to his mail box, copies the activation link and paste it on the
> same window. But the page remains the same and doesn't allow the user to
> activate his account. He need to open a new browser or logout  to activate
> his account and login to XWiki. This looks like a bug. Any comments on this
> ? I am using XE 1.6.

Indeed, this looks like a real bug :) can you create an issue for it on 

> Regards
> Syam

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