Hi all,

  i'm trying to create a Java XML-RPC Client of my Xwiki instance (for  
now i'm using xwikie1_6m2)

  Documentation used :
        - Xwiki XML/RPC doc :  
        - Confluence API Specification :  

  I success with this methods : confluence1.login, confluence1.logout,  
confluence1.getPage, confluence1.storePage, confluence1.renderContent

  but i got a problem with this one : confluence1.search

Confluence API talk about two ways to use search :
1) Vector search(String token, String query, int maxResults) - return  
a list of SearchResults which match a given search query (including  
pages and other content types). This is the same as a performing a  
parameterised search (see below) with an empty parameter map.

2) Vector search(String token, String query, Map parameters, int  
maxResults) - (since 1.3) like the previous search, but you can  
optionally limit your search by adding parameters to the parameter  
map. If you do not include a parameter, the default is used instead.

The second way (with parameters) is not implemented on Xwiki (cf.  
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-1559 )

So how must we use the first search method (without Map parameters) ?

I'm trying this :
            Vector searchResult = (Vector) client.execute("confluence1.search",
                                                new Object[] {  p_token, 
p_query,new Integer(p_maxResults) });
This code return a "ClassCastException" : it's like the returned  
object were not a "Vector".. If then what is it ?

Could you help me ?

It's a great feature !

Brice Vandeputte

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